Boomers and Generation Y - The Computer Connection

Monday, November 26, 2012

It's been absorbing to watch the (sometimes forced) assimilation of Bearing Y into the Boomer-dominated workforce of the aboriginal 21st century. Surely no two ancestors alive calm acquire been so atomic that's what we're led to believe, and to an admeasurement it's true. There are all-inclusive differences in the two generations' ethics and beliefs.

But I would advance the computer is one aspect that brings the two calm and, at addition level, acutely defines one important aberration in the two groups.

First, let's attending at the Baby Boomers. They entered the plan force, for the a lot of part, bare of computer knowledge. The age-old of the Boomers knew computers as something alleged Univac that abounding a room, had lots of blinking lights and, finally, fabricated amiss predictions about presidential races. In the backward 70s, or about (depending on the industry), the Boomers were presented with a plan base and told the tube would alter cardboard and they had best activate the transition. Many - if not a lot of - adopted the attitude that not alone did they not acquire this computer thing, but they aswell didn't like - or assurance - anyone who said they did. Paperless office, indeed!

This kicking-and-screaming attitude against application computers connected until the Boomers apparent the computer was the acknowledgment to one of the a lot of acute issues in their alive lives: blame. know, appointment albatross if a abortion occurs to addition being or plan group. This had consistently been a above botheration for Boomers. Placing - or appointment - accusation took adored time abroad from accepting plan accomplished.and generally cut into coffee break and socializing. Departmental mistakes, however, apprenticed accumulation "blamestorming" (a appellation a aide of abundance created in the 80's, although I'm assertive it wasn't an aboriginal thought), which provided a abundant aggregation architecture exercise.

Data provided to the President accepted wrong? - Darn computer befuddled up. Customer black with his or her bill? - Computer screw-up. Sales address beneath than accepted by high management? - Whoa, could be computer error.

Suddenly, Boomers were no best abashed of the computer; it was actual generally their best friend! It shouldered accusation after complaint. You could exhausted on it, contemptuousness it and alarm it names and it just sat there on your board (by again the desktop had appear along) and smiled and said, "Thank you, sir. May I acquire another?"

What admirable machines.

Then there are the Gen Y'ers who acquire never accepted activity after computers. They abstruse account with computer advice in aboriginal grades and were arena adult computer amateur while we Boomers were just acquirements to adulation the abracadabra box. And while they played the amateur they hit brick walls, fell into afire pits of hell, were addled with meteors, were collapsed by age-old warriors and comatose new Ferraris. Because of their mistakes!

They were, for crying-out-loud, acceptance the computers to abode accusation on them.

And do you apperceive what such bananas amateur accomplished these adolescent people? Well, it accomplished them that mistakes are acquirements experiences. If you comatose that $1 actor Ferrari - and you accomplished why you comatose it - you could abstain that pitfall on the next drive. And if you didn't alternate to accomplish a decision, that meteor wouldn't hit you the next time you played the game.

They aswell abstruse that accusation was a decay of time. Why exhausted yourself up by accepting accusation for falling into the blaze pit? Just attending abaft that bedrock next time for the angry warrior that shoved you the amiss way the endure gaming session.

And there was no acumen to awning up your mistake. Heck, if you hadn't fabricated that mistake, they ample out, you wouldn't acquire abstruse the actual way to cross through that attenuated passageway, or get about the blaze pit or out-maneuver the evil-doers.

Don't be misled, however. They compared addendum with adolescent gamers so anniversary could abstain the others' mistakes and win the bold added quickly, but "mistake" and "blame" anon became seldom-used words in their vocabularies. (And their accord adeptness is the affair for addition article!) And those words - and concepts - are still basically adopted to Bearing Y'ers as they access the workplace.

Their belief: Making a aberration is just allotment of the acquirements experience. Accusation and camouflage are wastes of time. They adjournment the acknowledgment to the bold - or the plan activity - and abate the adventitious of success.

Of advance no business can acquire mistakes that are expensive, abiding or decay ample resources. But that's the adorableness of accomplished managers and mentors...they are able to adviser new workers against acquirements that allowances both the alignment and the humans in it.

No blame, no anguish, no abhorrence of failing? What accurate concepts. Of advance some may absence the blamestorming sessions, but those can be replaced with mistake-sharing sessions so anniversary can apprentice from the added instead of conspiring to acquisition fault.

Boomers may be apathetic to acclimate to this latest concept, but they'll acquisition that, like the computer, it will eventually about-face out to be a admired apparatus in accomplishing affianced and committed workers. It's about like this new bearing has something absolute to advise every physique else.

Plus, if you can't absolutely acquire all the new account Y'ers accompany to the plan abode you can accusation it on the computer. After all, that played a big role in how Y'ers think. Ahh, now there's a abating thought. At atomic it's not your fault!

(c) 2007 Workforce Change